0 ~Animal Cat Standing with Spiky Mohawk and Collar Bandage Area 0 Name: s\39742s08.dat 0 Author: Philippe Hurbain [Philo] 0 !LDRAW_ORG Unofficial_Subpart 0 !LICENSE Licensed under CC BY 4.0 : see CAreadme.txt 0 BFC CERTIFY CCW 3 16 7.064 -46.588 -3.842 8.521 -44.494 -4.036 8.616 -45.539 -.922 3 16 8.521 -44.494 -4.036 9.81 -43.119 -1.09 8.616 -45.539 -.922 3 16 8.521 -44.494 -4.036 9.526 -41.621 -4.195 9.81 -43.119 -1.09 3 16 9.526 -41.621 -4.195 10.17 -41.959 -1.027 9.81 -43.119 -1.09 3 16 9.526 -41.621 -4.195 9.9 -39.359 -4.454 10.17 -41.959 -1.027 3 16 8.521 -44.494 -4.036 7.064 -46.588 -3.842 6.89 -45.74 -6.733 3 16 8.521 -44.494 -4.036 6.89 -45.74 -6.733 8.056 -43.633 -6.971 3 16 8.056 -43.633 -6.971 9.526 -41.621 -4.195 8.521 -44.494 -4.036 3 16 8.056 -43.633 -6.971 8.599 -41.209 -7.517 9.526 -41.621 -4.195 3 16 9.9 -39.359 -4.454 9.526 -41.621 -4.195 8.599 -41.209 -7.517 3 16 9.9 -39.359 -4.454 8.599 -41.209 -7.517 8.532 -38.663 -8.59 3 16 5.856 -39.437 -11.301 8.599 -41.209 -7.517 8.056 -43.633 -6.971 3 16 5.856 -39.437 -11.301 8.532 -38.663 -8.59 8.599 -41.209 -7.517