0 Plate 1 x 2 with Cube with Minecraft Spider and Black Mouth Pattern 0 Name: 19727p01.dat 0 Author: Merlijn Wissink [legolijntje] 0 !LDRAW_ORG Unofficial_Part 0 !LICENSE Licensed under CC BY 2.0 and CC BY 4.0 : see CAreadme.txt 0 BFC CERTIFY CCW 0 !KEYWORDS Bricklink 19727pb001, Rebrickable 19727pr0005, Set 21124, Set 21137 0 !KEYWORDS set 21147 0 !HISTORY 2019-06-28 [PTadmin] Official Update 2019-01 0 !HISTORY 2022-09-26 [Cheenzo] Subfiled, Reduced decimals, Updated description, Added keywords 1 16 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 s\19727s01.dat 1 16 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 s\19727p01s01.dat 4 16 -7 14.5 -26 -16 16 -26 16 16 -26 7 14.5 -26 3 0 -3.5 10 -26 -7 10 -26 -7 14.5 -26 4 0 3.5 10 -26 -3.5 10 -26 -7 14.5 -26 7 14.5 -26 3 0 7 10 -26 3.5 10 -26 7 14.5 -26 3 0 0 7 -26 -3.5 7 -26 -3.5 10 -26 4 0 0 7 -26 -3.5 10 -26 3.5 10 -26 3.5 7 -26 3 16 -16 16 -26 -7 10 -26 -7 7 -26 3 16 -7 10 -26 -16 16 -26 -7 14.5 -26 4 16 -3.5 10 -26 -6.3 7 -26 -7 7 -26 -7 10 -26 3 16 -5.6 7 -26 -6.3 7 -26 -3.5 10 -26 3 16 -4.9 7 -26 -5.6 7 -26 -3.5 10 -26 3 16 -4.2 7 -26 -4.9 7 -26 -3.5 10 -26 3 16 -3.5 7 -26 -4.2 7 -26 -3.5 10 -26 4 16 7 7 -26 3.5 7 -26 3.5 10 -26 7 10 -26 3 16 16 16 -26 7 7 -26 7 10 -26 3 16 16 16 -26 7 10 -26 7 14.5 -26