0 Slope Brick 33 3 x 2 with Red "1" and Black Stripes Pattern 0 Name: 3298p54.dat 0 Author: Thomas Burger [grapeape] 0 !LDRAW_ORG Part UPDATE 2011-01 0 !LICENSE Licensed under CC BY 2.0 and CC BY 4.0 : see CAreadme.txt 0 BFC CERTIFY CCW 0 !HISTORY 1997-12-05 [PTadmin] Official Update 1997-17 0 !HISTORY 2007-06-25 [PTadmin] Header formatted for Contributor Agreement 0 !HISTORY 2008-07-01 [PTadmin] Official Update 2008-01 0 !HISTORY 2011-03-29 [tchang] Rebuild pattern, add BFC, subpart 0 !HISTORY 2011-04-08 [tchang] Add missing CRLF, change Designation 0 !HISTORY 2011-07-25 [PTadmin] Official Update 2011-01 1 16 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 s\3298s01.dat 0 // 4 0 -11 19.677 -49.355 -11 0.447 -10.894 -15.5 0.447 -10.894 -15.5 19.677 -49.355 4 0 15.5 0.447 -10.894 11 0.447 -10.894 11 19.677 -49.355 15.5 19.677 -49.355 0 // 1 4 -3.9 12.79 -35.581 0 0 2 0.8944 1.7889 0 -1.7889 0.8944 0 1-4ndis.dat 1 4 7.2 12.567 -35.133 -2.6 0 0 0 2.3255 1.1628 0 1.1628 -2.3255 1-4ndis.dat 4 4 4.6 13.729 -37.459 4.6 12.567 -35.133 -1.9 12.79 -35.581 -1.9 13.685 -37.37 4 4 -3.9 13.685 -37.37 -5.3 13.685 -37.37 -5.3 15.518 -41.037 7.9 15.518 -41.037 3 4 7.9 15.518 -41.037 7.9 13.729 -37.459 7.2 13.729 -37.459 3 4 7.9 15.518 -41.037 7.2 13.729 -37.459 4.6 13.729 -37.459 4 4 7.9 15.518 -41.037 4.6 13.729 -37.459 -1.9 13.685 -37.37 -3.9 13.685 -37.37 4 4 4.6 5.053 -20.107 -1.9 7.737 -25.474 -1.9 12.79 -35.581 4.6 12.567 -35.133 4 4 -4.6 6.306 -22.611 -5.4 6.306 -22.611 -5.4 7.737 -25.474 -1.9 7.737 -25.474 3 4 -1.9 7.737 -25.474 -2.687 6.136 -22.271 -4.6 6.306 -22.611 4 4 4.6 5.053 -20.107 -1.3 5.724 -21.449 -2.687 6.136 -22.271 -1.9 7.737 -25.474 3 4 -0.5 5.053 -20.107 -1.3 5.724 -21.449 4.6 5.053 -20.107 0 // 1 16 -3.9 12.79 -35.581 0 0 2 0.8944 1.7889 0 -1.7889 0.8944 0 1-4disc.dat 1 16 7.2 12.567 -35.133 -2.6 0 0 0 2.3255 1.1628 0 1.1628 -2.3255 1-4disc.dat 4 16 -15.5 0.447 -10.894 -20 0 -10 -20 20 -50 -15.5 19.677 -49.355 4 16 20 0 -10 15.5 0.447 -10.894 15.5 19.677 -49.355 20 20 -50 3 16 20 0 -10 11 0.447 -10.894 15.5 0.447 -10.894 3 16 -11 0.447 -10.894 -20 0 -10 -15.5 0.447 -10.894 3 16 -20 20 -50 -11 19.677 -49.355 -15.5 19.677 -49.355 3 16 11 19.677 -49.355 20 20 -50 15.5 19.677 -49.355 4 16 20 20 -50 11 19.677 -49.355 -11 19.677 -49.355 -20 20 -50 4 16 -20 0 -10 -11 0.447 -10.894 11 0.447 -10.894 20 0 -10 4 16 -2.687 6.136 -22.271 -1.3 5.724 -21.449 -0.5 5.053 -20.107 -4.6 6.306 -22.611 4 16 -11 0.447 -10.894 -0.5 5.053 -20.107 4.6 5.053 -20.107 11 0.447 -10.894 4 16 -4.6 6.306 -22.611 -0.5 5.053 -20.107 -11 0.447 -10.894 -5.4 6.306 -22.611 4 16 -11 19.677 -49.355 -5.4 7.737 -25.474 -5.4 6.306 -22.611 -11 0.447 -10.894 4 16 -1.9 12.79 -35.581 -1.9 7.737 -25.474 -5.4 7.737 -25.474 -3.9 12.79 -35.581 4 16 -5.3 13.685 -37.37 -3.9 13.685 -37.37 -3.9 12.79 -35.581 -5.4 7.737 -25.474 4 16 -5.3 13.685 -37.37 -5.4 7.737 -25.474 -11 19.677 -49.355 -5.3 15.518 -41.037 4 16 7.9 15.518 -41.037 -5.3 15.518 -41.037 -11 19.677 -49.355 11 19.677 -49.355 4 16 7.9 13.729 -37.459 7.9 15.518 -41.037 11 19.677 -49.355 11 0.447 -10.894 4 16 11 0.447 -10.894 4.6 5.053 -20.107 4.6 12.567 -35.133 7.2 12.567 -35.133 4 16 7.2 12.567 -35.133 7.2 13.729 -37.459 7.9 13.729 -37.459 11 0.447 -10.894